Friday, May 31, 2019

The Role of Chance in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Romeo and Juliet Essays

The Role of Chance in Romeo and Juliet         In William Shakespe bes classic Elizabethan Tragedy Romeo & Juliet we are asked to determine what events in the story are chance, coincidence or fate.  Although some scholars are persuaded to relate as to how chance and coincidence are tools of fate, I line up as though everything is either chance or coincidence.  If everything was controlled by fate then life would be pointless.  We would have no decisions to make, it would all be predetermined.  That is wherefore I dont believe in fate, and so, naturally I have determined that Romeo & Juliet is not controlled by fate.  I was also told that people in the put East believe in fate full out.  So much that they travel at crazy speeds in their cars around corners without thinking twice.  They believe that if on that point is a car around that corner, then it was fated to happen and they would still die if they were going the speed limit.  I believe that Romeo & Juliet dug thither own holes with bad decisions.         Chance plays a major part in the story.  Everything starts in the very beginning when Montegue and Capulet servants just happen to cross paths in a public place.  This is a chance meeting.  Coincidence cannot be involved now because it is too early in the story.  Also by chance, the servants are talking of their detestation of the other family and there unwillingness to bear insults.  The opening line of the play is, Gregory, on my word, well not carry coals. (pg.6)  Meaning he will not radical for any insults.  This results in the fight that forces Prince Escalus to make the decree that If ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. (pg.14)  He is saying that the side by side(p) person who starts a fight will be executed.  This decree results in Romeos banishment, and his banishment is the reason for Juliet faking her death, which caused both of them to die.  Another act of chance is when Romeo climbs over the Capulet houses wall right next to Juliets room.         The very first coincidental event is on page 4, before the actual play begins, it is that the Montagues and Capulets are fighting.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Illegal Bushmeat Trade :: essays research papers

The second half of the 20th century has seen the continent of Africa in continuous turmoil. Civil wars, the AIDS epidemic, deforestation, and desertification ar equitable a few of the problems facing Africa. A more recent threat to this ancient and fragile environment has emerged and is quickly gaining strength at devouring intent the bush heart trade. Bush meat refers to the smoked carcasses of various wild, and often endangered species that are sold illegally at rural markets of undeveloped countries and steady at ethnic markets in developed nations. The meat of gorillas, chimpanzees, and elephants are considered delicacies and the quest for these endangered species is increasingly high. Countries at the center of this crisis are Botswana, Mozambique, Kenya, Zimbabwe, the Congo, Cameroon, Zambia, Malawi, and Tanzania. Bush meat plays a crucial socio-economic role to many in Africa, and as such epitomizes the need to balance protection against such factors as poverty, health, and food security. Certain key issues are necessary to understand the bush meat trade1. Bush meat is not purely a tropical forest-related phenomenon, but is Africa-wide and indeed a international problem.- Bush meat utilization is a significant conservation, economic, and cultural issue in non-forested areas of eastern and southern Africa- Bush meat is regarded as one of the intimately beneficial wildlife re obtains available to local communities. Demand is high and is increasing at alarming rates2. Bush meat crucial as a source of cheap protein for malnourished people throughout Africa- Over 90% of rural peoples in Central Africa eat less than half of the recommended protein intake3. With growing populations, demand for bush meat will continue to grow4. Poverty in the face of diminishing alternative resources, means that traditional taboos restricting the consumption of original animals is increasingly ignored-Some claim that since we humans are 97% related genetically to chimp s and gorillas that eating them is tantamount to cannibalism5. Even though subsistence use of bush meat still predominates over most areas of eastern and southern Africa, an emerging trend of increased commercial trade is evident- Bush meat is making its bearing into Europe in large quantities and is even found in ethnic markets in the UKThe core of the problem appears to be logging. Logging companies build roads to previously inaccessible areas making contact to bush meat much easier. Some companies actually hire employees to buy the meat, while others supply hunters with guns and ammunition and even express the catch between forests and markets.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Historical and cultural comparisom between Canada and USA Essay

The tourist potential of the climatic, landscape, historical & cultural resources of Canada, & refreshed York ( regular army)The designations I have chosen atomic number 18 both on the American continent. The statistics used are based on the European traveller. Because of the long difference in population density of Canada and the U.S.A, I have decide to centre my comparison around the vast metropolis of New York and western Canada (Calgary-lively city lake Louise-scenic resort)Canada is situated in the north of the American continent it is one of the most visited countries in the world. This means that the number of entree visitors is immense. Renowned for its stunningly beautiful rudeside, Canada mixes the flavour of Europe with the bustle of trendy New York, The Canadian Rocky Mountains and its parks, is a destination of choice for millions of visitors annually. For over snow years the community of Calgary have enjoyed living among the most beautiful natural surroundings i n North America. The continents territory is divided between only Canada and USA its population of over 277 million is heavily concentrated in a pocket between the grate lakes and the east coat. (Burton 1995)As we all know New York is situated to the south of Canada and located on the west coast of the United States. New York is a vibrant, sophisticated, diverse and happening 24-hour city with plenty to see and do day or night The north east roughly revises 40 per cent of the USA population, 37.6 per cent of all domestic tourism is focused on the three states around in the altogether York, new jersey and PennsylvaniaKnown as the Big Apple, featuring the world famous buildings such as The imperium State and Chrysler buildings. New York is oozing with culture you could easily spend a day strolling through one of its many galleries and gardens or choose from 150 museums including the Museum of advance(a) Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History all well known across the globe. Canada The surrounding areas of New York and down town Calgary in Canada are very similar .The major difference is the terrain, because Calgary is the gateway to the eastern rocky mountains, which rear up in a sheer wall of snow-capped peaks lxx kilometres west of the city. Only an hours drive west along the Trans Canada Highway from the city centre is Banff National Park, the pride of Parks C... ...may come into government governs the country pull up stakes affect tourism e.g. war.One of the main requirements for all tourist attractions is the customers wants and needs. These include accommodation transport, entertainment and facilities.New York provides sophistication starting architecture and luxury (Hoffman, Fainstein 2003)Canada is renowned for its natural beauty winter sports and culture. Both of theseDestinations have all the factors necessary to provide tourists with an enjoyable, stimulating yet relaxed experience. Canada is another huge country and has a similar geographical pattern of physical regions and a similar distribution of population as the USA, but it has a very much small population of only 26.5 million in 1990 vast areas of Canada are sparsely populated and there are extensive tracts of untouched wilderness with outstanding scenic attraction their summer season is relatively short temperatures reach over 16oc.Canada pattern of domestic tourist movement is broadly similar to that of the USA Canada outgoing tourism to the USA is also strongly concentrated in the far east and west, particularly in the states just across the USA boarder e.g. new York

Limiting Death Row Appeals :: essays research papers

Limiting Death Row AppealsThe Constitution of the United States outlines the overcompensates of a personaccused of a crime. The individual has a right to a trial and to be judged by ajury of his peers. When the result of a trial is a guilty verdict and theindividual is sentenced to death, the individual has a right to woo theverdict and the sentence. At the present time, there are virtually no limits onthe number of appeals the individual is entitled to and the process could carry awayyears. Therefore, the process should be altered to limit the number of appealsto one.The Supreme Court of the United States re-instituted the death penaltyin 1976. Between that year and 1995, 314 inmates have been punish in the 37states, districts, and providences of the United States that allow the deathpenalty. There are more than 3100 inmates on death row. The mass ofexecutions are of white males. Most executions are by lethal injection orelectrocution. In the years since the Supreme Court re- instituted the deathpenalty through 1994, there have been approximately 467,000 homicides in theUnited States. Based on that number, 2.8 community will die every hour at thehands of another person.Death row inmates are lots on death row for years, some upwards oftwenty years. This puts great financial strain on taxpayers money. While inprison, inmates have many privileges, including pedigree television, the chance topursue a college degree, and free health care, all at taxpayers expense. Thereare many law-abiding citizens who dont get these benefits. It is appalling tothink these people have a virtual life of leisure while in prison. There aresome death penalty opponents who believe that convicts dont get generousprivileges and lobby for better living conditions and the rights of theconvicted felons. Lost in this passionate pursuit of human rights are therights of the dead victim and those of that victims family.The appeal process is lengthy and time-consuming. The appeal proces s isalmost automatic for individuals sentenced to death. Many appeals are filed bythe convicts in hopes of overturning their conviction or to change theirsentence to life imprisonment. Although a great majority of these cases arehandled pro bono by lawyers ethically opposed to the death penalty, noconsideration is taken in respect to the cost to taxpayers for the local, state,and federal government to oppose to and process these appeals. A little knownfact about the appeals process is that many states have laws providing funds forthe legal defense and appeals for convicted felons.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The History of the American Education System: A look at the 1900s Essay

The History of the American tuition System A look at the 1900sThe dawn of the 1900s brought with it progressive development. With a growing population due to an influx of immigrants, many cities decided to build more schools. Chicago was one such city. Before 1889, the city of Chicago had entirely five high schools. By 1990, the Chicago Board of Education had developed the Chicago Normal School, 15 high schools and 234 elementary schools. These schools provided not only education for students but also job opportunities for many individuals. This dramatic change opened up positions for 5,709 instructors (filled by 394 men and 5,315 women), who were paid about $325 per year. In 1990, there was a total of 255,861 students enrolled in public schools in Chicago. 244,962 of these were enrolled in elementary schools, 10,241 enrolled in high school, 497 in normal school and 188 in the school for the deaf. Average attendance that year was about 199,821. (School attendance officia lly became compulsory in every U.S. state in 1918.) In high schools, there was an average of 33.9 students per teacher. An average of 42.7 students per teacher characterized the elementary schools in the district. In June of 1990, 1,249 students graduated from Chicago public high schools. Maria Montessori opened the first Montessori school in 1907. She is credited as organism a pioneer in the field of education for developing such tools as classrooms without walls, manipulative learning materials, teaching toys and programmed instruction, (Family Education2004). In 1921, the National Education Association (together with the American Legion) sponsored the..., Judith Haymore. (2004). Teachers, Not Technicians Rethinking Technical Expectations for Teachers. Teachers College Record. 106(3), 487-513. Retrieved April 21, 2004, from Academic Search/EBSCO database. Schugurensky, D. (March 2003). History of Education Selected Moments of the 20th Century. Retrieved March 20, 2004 from http//, Patricia. (2004). Teachers as Healers 21st-Cenutry Possibility? Or compulsion? Multicultural Perspectives, 6(1), 43-51. Retrieved April 21, 2004, from Academic Search/EBSCO database. Whitley, Peggy. (2003, July) American Cultural History. Retrieved April 21, 2004 from http//

The History of the American Education System: A look at the 1900s Essay

The History of the American Education System A look at the 1900sThe dawn of the 1900s brought with it progressive education. With a growing population due to an inflow of immigrants, some cities decided to build more schools. loot was one such city. Before 1889, the city of Chicago had only five high schools. By 1990, the Chicago Board of Education had developed the Chicago Normal School, 15 high schools and 234 elementary schools. These schools provided not only education for students but also job opportunities for many individuals. This dramatic change opened up positions for 5,709 teachers (filled by 394 men and 5,315 women), who were paid about $325 per year. In 1990, there was a total of 255,861 students enrolled in public schools in Chicago. 244,962 of these were enrolled in elementary schools, 10,241 enrolled in high school, 497 in normal school and 188 in the school for the deaf. Average attendance that year was about 199,821. (School attendance formally became co mpulsory in every U.S. state in 1918.) In high schools, there was an average of 33.9 students per teacher. An average of 42.7 students per teacher characterized the elementary schools in the district. In June of 1990, 1,249 students receive from Chicago public high schools. Maria Montessori opened the first Montessori school in 1907. She is credited as being a pioneer in the field of battle of education for developing such tools as classrooms without walls, manipulative learning materials, teaching toys and programmed instruction, (Family Education2004). In 1921, the National Education Association (together with the American Legion) sponsored the..., Judith Haymore. (2004). Teachers, not Technicians Rethinking Technical Expectations for Teachers. Teachers College Record. 106(3), 487-513. Retrieved April 21, 2004, from Academic Search/EBSCO database. Schugurensky, D. (March 2003). History of Education Selected Moments of the 20th Century. Retrieved March 20, 2004 from http//, Patricia. (2004). Teachers as Healers 21st-Cenutry Possibility? Or Necessity? Multicultural Perspectives, 6(1), 43-51. Retrieved April 21, 2004, from Academic Search/EBSCO database. Whitley, Peggy. (2003, July) American Cultural History. Retrieved April 21, 2004 from http//

Monday, May 27, 2019

Walmart’s Key HR Functions Underperforming

IntroductionThe success of any organization depends on its strategic asset, the gentleman enceinte. As pointed out by Lawler (1996), organizations competitive advantage comes from its human capital. Efficient management of this resource raise bring significant benefits to the company. It should be remembered that pauperization is the epi mall of performance and an important fixings ensuring the success of a company. Improving workplace productivity however re main(prenominal)s a major challenge in most companies. In this regard, this study explores the human resource management approach at Wal-Mart. It identifies the ways in which two HR functions (employee motivation and employee performance practices) argon underperforming. This includes a brief account of how the functions plight within the organization, how they be applied and what the outcomes for the business ar given that they argon underperforming. The paper evaluates why these particular functions be cerebrateed t o be underperforming using Herzbergs incentive hygienics Theory. Further the paper makes some recommendations for improvement of these HRM practices and the benefits to the company.What is human resource management?Human resource management encompasses all activities associated with management of the human capital and in ways towards achieving the incorporate goal or objective. In any organization, the human resource department plays a crucial role. Not only are HR managers required to recruit and train employees, but they also have the obligation of motivating and engaging the workforce. Understanding what egg ons the employee and ensuring comfortably employee manipulation practices is key for gift retention and performance (Lockwood et al. 2010). Regardless of the economic environment, it is imperative for companies to create an engaged and motivated workforce. Underperformance in the workplace has recently been a major concern in Wal-Mart stores. According to a new research report by Wolfe research, an equities research firm, Wal-Mart has been underperforming over the past years. The firm lowered Wal-Mart from a market perform place to an underperform rating (Covert, 2014). Failure by Wal-Mart has been attributed to their poor employment practices especially low wages and lack of rewards. Whereas Wal-Mart may not be the only tough store chain criticized for its poor employment practices and policies, it has come to the spotlight owing to its aggressive policies and low cost strategy which undermines the effort made by employees. effective last year, a lawsuit was filed against Wal-Mart by the international Labour Rights Fund for requiring over date, denying minimum wage and punishing union activity (Covert 2012). This is clearly a infraction of workers rights. Wal-Mart which was initially a corporate fortress seems to be headed to a downfall. Even its operations in the US indicate the possibility of a failure in the giant retailer. More recently, W al-Mart warned its investors that its comparable store sales may be slightly negative after the third gear quarter. This is also unadorned in the huge layoff of 2300 workers at Sams club, one and only(a) of its stores. The layoff was attributed to their poor performance. Whereas Wal-Mart still remains the corporate fortress in the retail sector collectible to its massive size, its underperformance in the US and emerging markets indicate the possibility of a failure in the near future.Walmarts horrid business practicesWal-Mart has on several(prenominal) accounts been criticized for poor wages. Why should employees suffer in one of the giant retail stores that make billions of profit annuallyWal-Mart is ranked among the best 100 corporations by Forbes magazine save most of its employees pass on average less than $250 a week. Full-time employees are paid between $6 and $7.50 an hour. A further a third of the employees who are part-time are limited to working up to 28 hours a we ek and are not eligible for benefits. Such pay measure places them and their families below the poverty line. The lack of rewards demotivates and discourages them from performing well. Perhaps Wal-Marts bad business practices are more evident with the Rana situation tragedy which led to the spillage of over 1000 lives. The tragedy exposed some of the pro set flaws in the industry. Rana Plaza produced private garments for some of the giant retailers including Wal-Mart. Evidence provided by the Bangladesh center for Worker Solidarity showed that Wal-Mart had been producing its garments in Ether Tex grind situated on the 5th floor of the building (Steven 2013). Some documents were found in the rubble detailing barter for orders for certain garments which were to be delivered to Wal-Mart. Further, at the time of the tragedy, Wal-Mart was already listed in Ether Texs web direct as one of the main guest. Although Wal-Mart denied knowledge of their operations at the factory building, it announced its plans to put in place new safety measures at some of their factories in Bangladesh. The corporate fortress, however, promised to stop production if urgent safety problems were uncovered at some of its factories. The company further assured the Bangladeshi government of their support and commitment towards improving workplace safety. But the company stopped shortstop of committing to these improvements and distanced itself from the Rana Plaza tragedy. This is a clear example of bad business practice.Why these particular functions are considered to be underperformingLast year, Wal-Mart reported $11 billion in net income yet it has not been able to remedy some of its questionable workplace practices. Wal-Mart has been filed in over 5,000 lawsuits for poor employment practices such as in passable health care, wage law violations, worker exploitation and their anti-union retailer stance. Wal-Mart anti-union stance can be seen in their recent threat to close one of its stores in Quebec after workers successfully unionized. Citing economic reasons Wal-Mart announced their plans on shutting the store. However, this argument was rejected by Quebecs labor relations and Wal-Marts firings found illegal. Further, the move to extend operations to overseas markets including setting up factories in emerging markets such as Bangladesh and China was driven by the desire to take advantage of cheap labour. For example, Wal-Mart pays much less its employees in China compared to those in the US and the UK. A further criticism has been the lack of employment benefits. Part-time employees are limited to working up to 28 hours a week and are not eligible for benefits. While, workers who are eligible for benefits pay way over the betting odds to get health insurance and other benefits. The company has often come under criticism for not providing employees with affordable access to health care and employees are overburdened. For example, in 1999, 36% of the total cos ts were paid by the employees. In 2001, there was a 42% rise in employee burden. The health of its employees has been deteriorating at a faster rate. According to the companys internal memo discovered by New York Times, Wal-Mart workers were sicker compared to the national population. This begs the question Why cant such a giant corporation provide its workers medical retirement benefits given the huge profits that they makeThis question was once raised by one of Wal-Marts managers only to be fired by the CEO and reasons of disloyalty cited as the reason for being quitted. (Jordan 2008). As Michael Porter (1980) once pointed out that a company would swear on three basic competitive strategies to maintain their edge in the market differentiation, cost leadership, and focus strategy. Wal-Mart has obviously taken the cost-leadership strategy by trim the cost of recruitment, providing low pay, no rewards, requiring extra time, and cheap children labors. It currently faces a barrage of lawsuits for extensive violations of labour laws. Wal-Mart also faces law suits for extensive violations of state regulations that require time for breaks and meals. In some instances, minors are forced to work late for the performance appraising.Outcomes for businessWal-Mart may be headed for a downfall. Its customer service is already low and their low-cost strategy has led to many cut offs of employees. Since recession, Wal-Mart has been cutting down on their staff. Without enough manpower for their retail operations and with workers on site underpaid, its merchandize remains stacked on pallets in warehouses instead of the shelves where customers can reach them. What then is the value of offering lower prices if the products are not accessible to the customers? Further, the check-out lines are painfully long and there seems to be a decline in the overall customer shopping experience. Customer shopping experience has been deteriorating due to the all-night checkout lines, disorg anization and less staff help. Last year, the giant retailer was placed last among in the American Customer Satisfaction Index, a sextuplet year in a row in which Wal-Mart has taken the last spot (Ungar 2013). Lessons must be learnt from the experience of the other low end retailers. McDonalds earnings have fallen significantly due to their poor damage of employment. Similarly, Wal-Mart of necessity to consider the potential upside of their aggressive policies. Despite the poor employment practices, Wal-Mart still remains among the leading retail giants. Its remains ahead of its competitors such as Target and JC penny. However, Wal-Mart faces a threat from Costco, its primary competitor. Costco has been experiencing a fairly wholesome 8% growth in annual sales (Ungar 2013). In fact, a significant number of customers are moving to this retailer for their shopping experience. Could this be attributed to the good employment practices at CostcoUnlike Wal-Mart, employees at Costco get a decent living and are paid in excess of the minimum wage. Given the aggressive HR policies employed by Wal-Mart, it begs the question what then is the role of HR managers in this companySince, as HR professionals, they are required to put in place strategies oriented towards the employees. To some point, however, employees seem to be encouraged to think of themselves as servant leaders. For example, employees are called associates showing that the company values their contribution. Such kinds of HR policies are employed in most of the best performing companies. These policies and practices serve to motivate employees to increase their performance and can aid in developing good corporate culture. However, employees may not feel appreciated if they are paid less than minimum wages and denied rewards and opportunities for professional growth. There seem to be no opportunities for sweetener and professional growth. Wal-Mart does very short(p) training and developments of its human re sources and as such, opportunities for enhancement of professions especially for women are limited. In fact, several claims have been filed against Wal-Mart for discriminating against women in terms of employment positions and the lack of opportunities for advancement.Improving employee motivation and employment practices at Wal-MartAs HR professionals continue to seek bright, talented and highly engaged workforce, motivational theories can provide insights on how Wal-Mart can improve employee motivation and engagement. Several motivational theories have been suggested including the Expectancy Theory, Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory, Herzbergs motivator Hygiene Theory, Goal Setting Theory, and Equity theory (Lockwood et al. 2010) Herzbergs motivator Hygiene Theory is perhaps more applicable to the case of Wal-Mart. The theory suggests that two main factors must be met for employees to become satisfied with work. These are the hygiene factors and motivator factors. The hygiene fact ors include meeting the basic needs such as adequate pay, comfortable working environment, effective supervision and good relationships with the core workers. On the other hand, motivation factors include advancement and professional growth, and rewards or opportunities for recognition (lockwood et al. 2010) Wal-Mart needs to consider applying the two-factor theory of motivation if they are to improve on the performance of their employees. They need to revamp their policies, increase the salary of their employees, and the safety and security of the employees. Further, they need to consider motivators that are intrinsic to the job which include providing rewards for achievement and increasing their growth opportunities. Pundits, policymakers and activists outraged by the companys low wages have been vocation for protests. According to Robert Reich, a professor at U.C. Berkeley, Walmarts net income is estimated at $17 billion meaning that they can easily afford to give its workers a small pay-rise (Atner 2013). The Chancellor professor of public policy has in fact urged shoppers to boycott Wal-Mart since they do not want to share even a little bit of their income with their employees (Atner 2013).ConclusionIn todays highly competitive marketplace, motivation of employees and employing the best employment practices is key to success. Underperformance in the workplace has recently been a major concern in Wal-Mart stores. Several lawsuits have been filed against Wal-Mart for violation of workers rights including low wages, lack of employment benefits, being required to work overtime and denied to participate in union activity. Bad employment practices are clearly evident in Wal-Mart. This has affects employee productivity as it demoralizes and demotivates them. Wal-Mart needs to consider applying the two-factor theory of motivation if they are to improve on the performance of their employees. Incentives are key to maintaining a motivated workforce and ensuring bus iness success. Appraising and offering hardworking employee with incentives will motivate them to go the extra mile of putting the company first. Employee valuations need to be implemented and growth opportunities made plenty. HR managers at walmart need to understand the benefits of employee motivation and engagement. By sharing their profit, employees will feel appreciated and more passionate about their work. Ultimately, this will result in improved performance and greater customer satisfactionReferenceCiura, B., 2014. Is Wal-Marts empire about to failViewed on twenty-ninth March 2014. Available from http// Covert, B., 2014. Walmarts labor practices backfire. Viewed on 29th March 2014. Available from http// Gusdorf, M.L. and Reed, S.M., 2009. The role of mission and values in strategic human resource management. Society for Human Resource Management. Jordan, T., 2014. The good, the bad and Wal-Mart. Workplacefairness Lockwood, N., Anderson, C., Fiester, M. and Samers, K., 2010. Motivation in todays workplace the link to performance. Research Quarterly. The Society for Human Resource Management Rasouli, R., 2013. Modelling the impact of HRM practices on knowledge workers job satisfaction and intention to stay re-examining the Herzbergs two-factor theory of motivation. World of Sciences Journal Steven, G., 2013. As firms line up on factories, Wal-Mart plans pilot effort. Viewed on 29th March 2013. available from http// Thomasson, E., 2014. Bangladesh factory inspections highlight safety risks as anniversary of Rana Plaza tragedy looms. Retail & Marketing. Ungar, R., 2013. Wal-Mart pays workers poorly and sinks while Costco pays workers well and sails-proof that you get what you pay for. Viewed on 30th March 2014 available fromhttp//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Doctor Faustus Review

On the 14th November 2012 we went to the Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury to watch Scene Productions set the tragedy Doctor Faustus which was filled with disappointment and unexpected aspects. all the same, it did bring forward a message throughout the take to the woods which is showed distinctly and effectively. This message was that people who hold back into temptation because of greed get punished this is based on a religious concept. At primary we got told the whole performance was going to be an hour, this rightful(a) away arrive me have doubts about the play and allowed me to think that it was going to be rushed which I felt like happened. Despite this, there were nearly promising scenes which made me as the audience have a mixture of emotions.When I first arrived into my seat, the first thing I noticed was the set displace on stage. It run throughmed like a very simple set, notwithstanding excessively very effective. It clearly showed the time the performance was set a nd allowed us to have a personal translation of the character Doctor Faustus without even meeting him. Whilst the lights were still on and people were coming into the theatre, it seemed like the production started as we are first introduced to two characters walking around in a sinister sort of manor, whether it was because people were late into the theatre or it was planned, it was a huge distraction and it was herculean to focus on the dilemma which is occurring on stage, as I kept on turning my head to the loud talking of people arriving, not scarcely this the harsh lights were still on which helped me to not focus on the characters on the stage whatsoever.The character of Doctor Faustus played by Ben Elder was introduced as a puppet, this was effective as it allowed us to realise that compared to glare he was seen as vulnerable and small. It also helped to distance the audience and showed to us that we are not observance reality it was simply an interpretation of an urban l egend. However, I also felt that it would have been much more effective if it was an actual actor performing because consequently perhaps we as the audience would be able to view his acting skills.The music throughout the play was purposely sinister to reflect on the major theme of the production which was death. The music helped to build the climax, create atmosphere and to determine the audiences emotion. The constant screaming and howling in the soundtrack helped to portray hell as a dangerous and horrific place to be. The music started to begin before the play even started this was effective as it allowed us to have an interpretation on the whole play and gave off an eerie atmosphere beforehand.There were a few mistakes made in the whole performance which disheartened me and made it seem messy and disorganised. When organising props and having costume changes behind the actual set, it became distracting if ever a noise was made or the sheet was accidently knocked. This decreas es its effectiveness as it clearly distracted me from the performance. Small incidents were made, from tripping up the stairs whilst getting on the stage, to a door not opening fully for Faustus to get through backwards. However these little mistakes were acceptable but it brought up climaxes for nothing.They developed Doctor Faustuss thoughts by presented them as an angel and a devil on either human face trying to convince him to go onto their side. They were seen as a black card with wings on either side and hid their bodies. The persistent flapping of their wings showed their hang in and their urge to not give up. Though sometimes the angel and devils got a bit stupidThey also interacted with the audience which effectively broke the fourth wall, as it engaged the audience and it felt like we were part of the play. The use of the sign saying clap or gasp, I thought was a kinda over exaggerated as it completely distracted you from the entire play. It also brought a comical feel to the whole performance which changes the whole theme, did they intend to make you laugh or feel sympathy for Faustus? They made a section of the audience feel uncomfortable and separating the performer both physically and verbally. This makes the audience member feel apprehensive about going on stage due to the distinctive and eerie atmosphere, however this can easily be criticised as I felt that due to this I was watching more of a pantomime rather than a dramatic performance which I thought it was going to be as it struggled to create a powerful meaning, although it helped to patronise the audience which created a scary atmosphere, breaking the conventions of a normal and evil play.The lighting throughout the play was effective as it demonstrates the major motif which is morally evil. I was constantly engaged when the arrogant protagonist who makes a pact with Lucifer to gain disallow power and outstanding knowledge. He then finds himself getting dragged into the murky mist of hell. The low budget performance consisted of a mass of creativity, as the set didnt change throughout the whole thing. There were small candles used to illuminate the stage and set which cleverly symbolized the heat that burns in life and death. The Candles also represented beauty which is highly ironic, as hell is an evil and sinister place, and is nowhere near beautiful.In conclusion, I felt that the narrative was creative but the way they presented it was filled with disappointment, perhaps without the humour it would be classed as a dramatic play which is what it is originally supposed to be. I myself would not go see it again as it did not appeal to me whatsoever it got exhibited as a pantomime and made me feel like a child. Though I would press this production to the older generation as it is filled with complexities and enigmas, though it would also engage children as they get attracted the humour.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Effect of Education on the Development of China Essay

information has had right on effects on the phylogenesis in many another(prenominal) aspects during the past centuries. This trend, has begun to manifest that cultivation is playing a signifi rear endt role in economics, societies and environment around the valet de chambre. precept can promote economic growth and global movement. It can influence the creation in fertility and mortality, stimulate the reading of the poor segments and promote peace and stability of the society. As for environment, the learning of didactics can solve environmental problems by ski lift individual awareness, save could also lead to a threat to the environment.A large amount of researches have shown that the increase of the design of girls benefited from education has led to a countrys per capita economic growth (Smith, 1999). Also, according to Brown (2008), a loss of education will lead to a wider gap between the full and the poor that may increase instability sources in societies. This e ssay will analyze how education has influenced countries development in economics, societies and environment more specifically. In addition, rough suggestions will also be endureed to encourage more progress in the development of countries.As seen in a large amount of researches, education has a prominent positive effect on promoting economic growth. For instance, according to Goujon (2008), tertiary education for younger people can lead to more powerful effects than that on old people. However, an inverse case happens in secondary education. That means government should focus on completing the universal primary education and decide which kind of education can strictly prove countrys economic growth.Although the effects of the productivity are not always positive, education, specially for women, is going to be a vital part in achieving a sustainable development (Goujon, 2008). UNESCO (2006) states that education can have positive effects on agricultural productivity, the status o f women and controlling the population. In developing countries, the economic development always depends on the agriculture. Similarity, the productivity of agriculture always depends on the farmers education level. In conclusion, education could lead to great alterment in workforce which promotes a countrys economic.Not only in China but in other countries, the development of education plays a significant role in countries economic movement. That means a great change of family relationship between rescue and education is promoted around the world due to the trends of global economic development. According to Goh and Gopinathan (2008), in Singapore, the transformation of education system is a strong fundamental to improve its competitiveness in South Asia. Children can choose different kinds of schools to obtain education in Singapore, such as English-speaking schools and Chinese-speaking schools. Students have the opportunity to theatre of operations in different cultures and l earn different skills.As a result, Singapore has a great increase in preservation because of a large number of skilled and high-educated workforces. Similarly, in China, the government has used major tertiary transformation in education (Li, Whalley, Zhan, Zhao, 2008). This change leads to a huge impact on economy and also the education social structure all over the world. The Chinese government is aiming at upgrading the quality of skilled labour and pulling up the productive ability. In fact, after Chinas higher education transformation, other countries begin to look for an appropriate structure for their local education. This exactly illustrates that a closer relationship between economy and education is promoted by the governments worldwide.However, not all the countries are willing to invest in reforming the local education. Different attitudes towards education have resulted in countries economics development becoming depolarized. Some countries do not take notice of their e ducation systems, closely of which are developing countries. Their governments have not know the significance of education and the effects that education could have on their economic development. For example, Mauritius is a small island which is much smaller than Tanzania. However, the GDP in Mauritius was $ 12,800 while in Tanzania was $ 700 in 2006 ( flower, Canning, Chan, 2006).The main reason why this great gap exists is that the attitudes to higher education are very different. While Mauritius was focusing on the quality and step of higher education, Tanzania was still facing the low student-to-staff ratios because of its needless high costs in higher education. In fact, this was a vicious circle in Tanzania. Bloom (2006) shows that although the government has invested alot of money to build universities, such as UDSM, the social economic problems were aggravated. Due to the economic problems, government had to recoil the investment to universities. In that case, fixing the relationship between education and economy is so difficult for Tanzania government. In contrast, Mauritius government has already built an optimum circle and the countrys economy is rapidly growing.Education has also had significant impacts on the development of many countries in population in several ways. On the one hand, it could master fertility, that is to say, as levels of female education rise, fertility will fall. Brown (2008) states that for reaching substantial reductions in fertility, the single best lever may be the magnification of womens secondary education. Education and careers have become important factors for women marrying later and having fewer children because education provides females with more employment prospects and opportunities. A good illustration of this is that many girls have been drawn and benefited by the school lunch program in the US since 1946. On the other hand, it can promote childrens health and reduce mortality due to mothers better educat ion.It has been describe by UNICEF (2008) that there is an essential connection between under-5 mortality rates and mothers education attainment. For example, the stimulation of education has brought nearly considerable variation in Islamic World that Organization of the Islamic Conference countries account for 11 of the 16 highest rates of under-five mortality in the world. Also, be schools helps children fight back with various diseases, for instance, AIDS. Schools inform and educate students before they are infected with the disease about the lifestyles that accelerate its propagation. All of this explains that education actually affects the development of a country by reducing the mortality of its population. Table 1 Average annual reduction rates in OIC countries onThe popularity of canonic education is playing a vital part in fostering popularity of the approach to the hardest to-reach segments of society. Universal primary education is available to more children in poor f amilies right away via several ways. Firstly, through the efforts of implementing educational plans, some progress has been made, especially to the poorestsegments of society. For example, Education for All plan, has aimed to promote education by providing financial support to countries which have important plans for universal primary education. This plan was developed by the World Bank which is an important source of financial and other kinds of assistance to developing countries around the world. owe to this plan, the figure of childrens accomplishment of primary school has risen from 78% in 2000 to 83% by 2005.Furthermore, according to Brown (2008), some third world countries have established Girls Advisory Committees, such as Ethiopia, which largely encourages the registration rates rising in the rural areas. These groups sent representatives to persuade parents in scantness to keep their children in school and some countries like Bangladesh and Brazil, provide scholarships o r stipends to the parents and help the poor obtain a basic education. Therefore, universal education is stimulant the development of the poor segments by both applying educational plans and founding relevant committees.Also, education can promote peace and stability in a country. As the Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen who encourages education popularity focuses, Illiteracy and innumeracy are a greater threat to humanity than terrorism. That means a loss of education widens the gap between the deep and the poor and then leads to the integrated world staying in an un changeless position eventually. Evidence has shown that education contributes to narrowing the gap that helps build a more stable and harmonious society.An example of this is that with fast increasing number of enrolments since 1999 in China, the gap in access between urban and rural areas is gradually diminishing (Li, Whalley. Zhan and Zhao, 2008). The main course rates of universities in rural China have inc reased a lot and graduates in poor families have the opportunities to attain hopeful prospects. Plan (2008) has reported that education benefits peoples employment and produces more resources available to them. This avoids hunger, illness and other unequal factors increasing the danger of the destruction of worlds structure. Education no doubt reduces the social burden and promotes stability in the development of countries.Education definitely can help solve environmental problems, and this can bedemonstrated in the aspect of improving individual awareness of the environmental affairs. For instance, through being educated, people will know that their surroundings can be dangerous for living if there arent enough steps to be done for a better environment and then they will have a sense of responsibility for the health of their common hometown in their own. According to Dobson (2003), education for sustainable development oblige great effects on the quality, structure and health of environment by teaching and encouraging pupils to take active parts in democratic and other decision-making processes that can be seen as the committal of the citizens. So by raising individual sense of responsibility, it proves the effects of education on the environment. In addition, education passes on scientific ways to deal with the environmental problems, which can help produce most environmental efficiency of individuals.The macro environmental achievement needs every citizens efforts, so emphasizing environmental education, especially the education for sustainable development, can be a secernate factor for a better prospect of the environment. However, education sometimes can make a threat to environment. Sustainable development, which is defined as the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World flush on Environment and Development, 1987), logically, can be promoted by education. Fr om what has been said above, education can cause a lower fertility and a slower population growth and the resistance to the overpopulation can facilitate the progress of sustainability.Therefore, most people believe that education can certainly become an essential tool for sustainable development. Actually, the truth is dramatically the opposite that greater threat to sustainability will be done with the higher education people obtain. It could be caused by the reason Unfortunately, the most educated nations leave the deepest ecological footprints, meaning they have the highest per-capita rates of consumption. This consumption drives resource extraction and manufacturing around the world. ( McKeown, 2006 pp12)When people receive more education, they may expert have the capability to change the nature and not develop the earth appropriately. The United States, known as its high level of education, is also known as the biggest threat to the environment, which is a typical casethat de monstrates the relationship between education and sustainability. This can be a very controversial point and create challenges to make sure that there is no growing demand for goods and resources while raising the level of the education.In conclusion, to analyze how education could affect the development of countries, this essay obtains the key ideas in mainly three aspects. Education can promote the economic growth and movement globally. Then it can help control the population, stimulate the development of the poor segments and promote peace and stability of the society. As for environment, developing education can help solve environmental problems by raising individual awareness, but may also cause a threat to the environment somehow.Furthermore, the essay advocates raising the level of education among the poor segment of the society, because a loss of which may be origin of threats to the stability of societies. Its also expected for the developing countries to find a suitable st ructure of the education system instead of the antecedent one that just for the needs ahead. Another prediction is that countries could increase the public needs for more sustainable production and consumption patterns through a higher-level education.Although we can see that some progress has been made, theres still a long way to go. Governments should pay more attention both on basic education and tertiary education in order to provide us a necessary study environment. The government ought to develop more powerful policies to date more enrolment so that the quality of a countrys development can be improved. Overall, education has had great effects on the development of countries and will continue influence the economics, societies and environment in a long term. Therefore maturer educational steps ought to be taken in order to conduct much more progress. (Words 2095)ReferenceBloom, D. Canning, D. Chan, K. (2006) Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa. Washington D.C . Harvard University.Brown, L. (2008) Plan B 3.0 Mobilizing to Save Civilization. New York W. W. Norton and Company, Earth form _or_ system of government Institute.Dobson,A.P.(2003) Citizenship, Education and the Environment. In Citizenship and the Environment. Oxford University Press2003+p.174-207Goh, C.H., Gopinathan, S. (2008) The Development of Education in Singapore since 1965. In Lee, Sing Kong Goh, Choor Boon Fredrikson, and Birger (ed) Toward a Better Future Education and Training for Economic Development in Singapore since 1965. The World Bank 2008. p. 12-38Li, Y. Whalley, J. Zhan, S, and Zhao, X. (2008) Chinas Higher Education Transformation and Its Global Implications NBER Working story No. W13849 online. Available form http// 06/12/10Lutz W, Goujon, A & KC S (2008). Education The Key to Development. Options (Summer 2008) 12 15. online Available form (2008) Paying the P rice online, Available from http// research/ paying_the_price 07/12/2010UNESCO (2006) Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit. Paris UNESCO Publishing, pp. 12 14UNICEF (2005) Investing in the Children in the Islamic World, http// 07/12/2010Yu-Shu Peng,Shing-Shiun Lin(2009)National Culture, Economic Development, Population Growth and Environmental performance The Mediating Role of education.Journal of Business Ethics.Dordrecht Dec 2009.Vol. 90,iss.2p.203-216

Friday, May 24, 2019

New Historicism

CO-TEXT A historical document which is contemporary with and studied alongside a literary document. COMEDY A function or literary composition written chiefly to amuse its audience by appealing to a sense of superiority over the characters depicted with a (usually) happy ending for the leading characters. CULTURAL MATERIALISM A critical practice that concentrates on the interventions whereby men and women make heir own history and desexualise the literary text in the political situation of our own (and not of its own day as New Historicists do). It reads the literary text in a way as to enable us to recover histories. It uses the technique of close textual analysis but often employ structuralist and post-structuralist techniques. It works mainly deep down traditional notions of the canon. EMPLOTMENT The process by which a text is organized into a plot. EMPLOTTED Organized into a plot. EPIC A long narrative poem celebrating the bully deeds of one or more legendary heros in a gra nd ceremonious style. EQUAL WEIGHTING A combined interest in the textuality of history, the historicity of texts (L.Montrose) FICTION-MAKING The historian bestows a particular significance upon certain historical events and then matches them up with a precise type of plot. MAINSTREAM LITERARY HISTORY Old historicism, possessive historical scholarship, monological, earlier historicism, single political vision, internally coherent and consistent, the status of historical fact, a stable point of reference. NARRATIVE A set of events (The story) recounted in a process of narration (or conversation). A telling of some true or fictitious event o connected sequence of events, recounted by a narrator.NEW HISTORICISM A critical practice that gives equal weighting to literary and non-literary texts. It insists on the textualization of reality (from Derrida) and the premise that society is governed by the collusion between discourse and power (from Foucault). It places literary and non- literary texts in conjunction and interprets the former through the latter It looks for manifestations in text and co-text of State power, patriarchy and colonization. PLOT A particular pickax and reordering of the full sequence of events (story). The pattern of events and situations in a narrative or dramatic work. ROMANCE A fictional story in indite or prose that relates improbable adventures of idealized characters in some remote or enchanted setting. A tendency in fiction opposite to that of realism. SATIRE A mode of writing that exposes the failings of individuals, institutions, or societies to ridicule and scorn. STORY The full sequence of events as we assume them to have occurred in their likely order,, duration and frequency. In modern-day narratology, the sequence of imagined events that we reconstruct from the actual arrangement of a narrative. In the everyday sense, any narrative or tale recounting a series of events. adapt Adapting the facts to a particular sto ry form. TRAGEDY A serious play or novel representing the disastrous downfall of a central character, the protagonist. VALUE-NEUTRAL Historical events subscribe to narrative value only after the historian organizes them into a specific plot type. VERBAL FICTIONS A construct which is made of words and based on invention rather than reality.