Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Historical and cultural comparisom between Canada and USA Essay

The tourist potential of the climatic, landscape, historical & cultural resources of Canada, & refreshed York ( regular army)The designations I have chosen atomic number 18 both on the American continent. The statistics used are based on the European traveller. Because of the long difference in population density of Canada and the U.S.A, I have decide to centre my comparison around the vast metropolis of New York and western Canada (Calgary-lively city lake Louise-scenic resort)Canada is situated in the north of the American continent it is one of the most visited countries in the world. This means that the number of entree visitors is immense. Renowned for its stunningly beautiful rudeside, Canada mixes the flavour of Europe with the bustle of trendy New York, The Canadian Rocky Mountains and its parks, is a destination of choice for millions of visitors annually. For over snow years the community of Calgary have enjoyed living among the most beautiful natural surroundings i n North America. The continents territory is divided between only Canada and USA its population of over 277 million is heavily concentrated in a pocket between the grate lakes and the east coat. (Burton 1995)As we all know New York is situated to the south of Canada and located on the west coast of the United States. New York is a vibrant, sophisticated, diverse and happening 24-hour city with plenty to see and do day or night The north east roughly revises 40 per cent of the USA population, 37.6 per cent of all domestic tourism is focused on the three states around in the altogether York, new jersey and PennsylvaniaKnown as the Big Apple, featuring the world famous buildings such as The imperium State and Chrysler buildings. New York is oozing with culture you could easily spend a day strolling through one of its many galleries and gardens or choose from 150 museums including the Museum of advance(a) Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History all well known across the globe. Canada The surrounding areas of New York and down town Calgary in Canada are very similar .The major difference is the terrain, because Calgary is the gateway to the eastern rocky mountains, which rear up in a sheer wall of snow-capped peaks lxx kilometres west of the city. Only an hours drive west along the Trans Canada Highway from the city centre is Banff National Park, the pride of Parks C... ...may come into government governs the country pull up stakes affect tourism e.g. war.One of the main requirements for all tourist attractions is the customers wants and needs. These include accommodation transport, entertainment and facilities.New York provides sophistication starting architecture and luxury (Hoffman, Fainstein 2003)Canada is renowned for its natural beauty winter sports and culture. Both of theseDestinations have all the factors necessary to provide tourists with an enjoyable, stimulating yet relaxed experience. Canada is another huge country and has a similar geographical pattern of physical regions and a similar distribution of population as the USA, but it has a very much small population of only 26.5 million in 1990 vast areas of Canada are sparsely populated and there are extensive tracts of untouched wilderness with outstanding scenic attraction their summer season is relatively short temperatures reach over 16oc.Canada pattern of domestic tourist movement is broadly similar to that of the USA Canada outgoing tourism to the USA is also strongly concentrated in the far east and west, particularly in the states just across the USA boarder e.g. new York

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